Wondering what our PTA does? Here is a list of our events and programs. We hope to see you and your family at some or all of these events. And we hope you will pitch in to help with planning, staffing, or donating. Invitations to volunteer appear on our Facebook page, the school’s e-newsletter, and through the TRES room coordinators. You can also fill out our VOLUNTEER INTEREST FORM.
Current school year dates for our events are scheduled on our CALENDAR.
Current school year dates for our events are scheduled on our CALENDAR.
Retriever Rally
Who let the “dogs” out? TRES PTA does when we celebrate our annual Retriever Rally! The family festival features games, crafts and entertainment to promote school spirit and allows students to leave their “paw prints” for us to come together as a TRES community. Guests will notice that in addition to parent volunteers, many staff members and older siblings/high school students give of their time to make the Retriever Rally a huge success.
Talent Show
TRES students have got some serious talent. And their showcase their skills during our annual talent show. Singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, magicians, and more fill the evening with joyful performances. The talent show this year will be on Friday, November 16th.
Winter Dance
Shake off those winter blues at our annual Winter Dance. The theme changes every year but there is always a giant congo line, rockin’ DJ, and a photo booth.
Retriever Run
The Retriever Run is held every two years. The next Retriever Run will be in 2020. There is a 1K around the back field for Retriever’s in training and a 5K through the neighborhood for the big dogs.
Spring Auction & Party
Every two years we hold a silent and live auction and adults-only party. This is our biggest and most important fundraiser. Silent auction items are solicited from the TRES community and local businesses. Each class decorates a piece of pottery for the auction. It is a great night for socializing and earns enough to fund PTA activities for the next year.
International Night
Bonjour. Buenos Dias. Guten Tag.
TRES celebrates our diversity at our annual International Night. This spring festival gives families a chance to learn about various cultures through art projects, artifact displays, food samples and live entertainment performances. This event takes lots of helping hands to be successful, including middle and high school students earning service hours.
Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success! Please sign up here to assist.
Bingo Night
Pick a lucky crayon and a winning bingo sheet to improve your chances of yelling “B-I-N-G-O!” This family social event occurs near the end of the year and packs in the crowds eager to win amazing prizes.
Retriever Rally
Who let the “dogs” out? TRES PTA does when we celebrate our annual Retriever Rally! The family festival features games, crafts and entertainment to promote school spirit and allows students to leave their “paw prints” for us to come together as a TRES community. Guests will notice that in addition to parent volunteers, many staff members and older siblings/high school students give of their time to make the Retriever Rally a huge success.
Talent Show
TRES students have got some serious talent. And their showcase their skills during our annual talent show. Singers, dancers, musicians, comedians, magicians, and more fill the evening with joyful performances. The talent show this year will be on Friday, November 16th.
Winter Dance
Shake off those winter blues at our annual Winter Dance. The theme changes every year but there is always a giant congo line, rockin’ DJ, and a photo booth.
Retriever Run
The Retriever Run is held every two years. The next Retriever Run will be in 2020. There is a 1K around the back field for Retriever’s in training and a 5K through the neighborhood for the big dogs.
Spring Auction & Party
Every two years we hold a silent and live auction and adults-only party. This is our biggest and most important fundraiser. Silent auction items are solicited from the TRES community and local businesses. Each class decorates a piece of pottery for the auction. It is a great night for socializing and earns enough to fund PTA activities for the next year.
International Night
Bonjour. Buenos Dias. Guten Tag.
TRES celebrates our diversity at our annual International Night. This spring festival gives families a chance to learn about various cultures through art projects, artifact displays, food samples and live entertainment performances. This event takes lots of helping hands to be successful, including middle and high school students earning service hours.
Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success! Please sign up here to assist.
Bingo Night
Pick a lucky crayon and a winning bingo sheet to improve your chances of yelling “B-I-N-G-O!” This family social event occurs near the end of the year and packs in the crowds eager to win amazing prizes.
Community Outreach
The Community Outreach Committee practices the TRES treasure trait of caring into the community and teaches children the value of helping others. This group sponsors service initiatives throughout the year.
Cultural Arts
Did you know that the school system’s budget does not include funds for school assemblies and cultural arts programs. These enrichment programs are funded by the PTA and extends learning for our kids outside of the classroom. Students have the opportunity to learn about art, music, science, technology and math through fun and interactive presentations.
Gracious and cordial, our hospitality volunteers warmly greet TRES visitors with an inviting smile during school events. Visitors benefit from this group’s efforts several times throughout the school year. Whether it’s during back to school events, American Education Week, or Field Day, this committee provides refreshments, answers questions, and creates a hospitable school environment.
Fifth-Grade Activities
Fifth graders are our “top dogs” and get special perks to memorialize their last year as Retrievers. Class shirts, an off-site picnic, and closing ceremony are just a few of the fun extras our fifth graders are entitled to thanks to the PTA.
Memory Books
Attention TRES Paparazzi: Parent photographers document the precious, memorable, and silly moments at school, PTA events, and field trips for our yearbook.
Puppy Playgroup
Before they become official Retrievers in kindergarten, TRES embraces our preschool and toddler friends through our puppy playgroups. Organized by the year they will enter school, future TRES students have the opportunity to form friendships in an informal and friendly setting. Playgroups are formed at the beginning of each school year and meet based on a schedule the members select.
School Directory
Our TRES student directory is an extensive resource for our school’s families, and the complimentary paper copies are sent home with students. The directory is offered as an exclusive member benefit when you join our PTA and are not available for purchase.
Staff Appreciation
Actions speak louder than words and just telling our phenomenal staff that they are special isn’t enough for us. Throughout the year, we recognize their dedication with special occasion meals. In addition, our PTA holiday gift to the teachers in December is to wrap their family gifts for them, giving them one less thing to do during a busy time of year. In May, we celebrate national Teacher Appreciation Week with special meals, gifts, and other tokens of gratitude.
FLL Lego League
Think STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is just lab reports, spreadsheets and math equations? Think again. Maryland Junior FIRST® LEGO® League program gives elementary students opportunities to solve real-world challenges, build and program LEGO® robots, and compete in robot challenges. Team work is the number one goal of the program and TRES has fielded many award-winning teams thanks to students’ and parents’ dedication. The program is divided into two age ranges: 1st-3rd graders in FLL Jr, and 4th-5th graders in FLL.
TRES Jr. FLL® at:
Walking Wednesdays
Kindergarteners through second graders participate in Walking Wednesdays for six weeks in the fall and six weeks in the spring during their recess period. The kids run or walk laps around the field behind the school. Volunteers log the laps and prizes are awarded after the completion of 12 laps. This is an in-demand event for volunteers, so sign up early. If the dates you wanted are already full, you are always welcome participate with your child.
Young Authors
Aspiring, first-grade authors get creative and showcase their new writing skills as part of the Young Authors Program. Our writers compose and illustrate a story featured in a hard-bound book that is sure to become a “best seller” on their loved ones bookshelves. Our Young Authors Committee’s volunteers serve as the “publishing house” for these timeless treasures by editing stories and assembling the books. The culmination of the project is a “book launch” for our first graders where they gain public speaking experience by sharing their stories with guests at an afternoon tea hosted by TRES PTA.
Community Outreach
The Community Outreach Committee practices the TRES treasure trait of caring into the community and teaches children the value of helping others. This group sponsors service initiatives throughout the year.
Cultural Arts
Did you know that the school system’s budget does not include funds for school assemblies and cultural arts programs. These enrichment programs are funded by the PTA and extends learning for our kids outside of the classroom. Students have the opportunity to learn about art, music, science, technology and math through fun and interactive presentations.
Gracious and cordial, our hospitality volunteers warmly greet TRES visitors with an inviting smile during school events. Visitors benefit from this group’s efforts several times throughout the school year. Whether it’s during back to school events, American Education Week, or Field Day, this committee provides refreshments, answers questions, and creates a hospitable school environment.
Fifth-Grade Activities
Fifth graders are our “top dogs” and get special perks to memorialize their last year as Retrievers. Class shirts, an off-site picnic, and closing ceremony are just a few of the fun extras our fifth graders are entitled to thanks to the PTA.
Memory Books
Attention TRES Paparazzi: Parent photographers document the precious, memorable, and silly moments at school, PTA events, and field trips for our yearbook.
Puppy Playgroup
Before they become official Retrievers in kindergarten, TRES embraces our preschool and toddler friends through our puppy playgroups. Organized by the year they will enter school, future TRES students have the opportunity to form friendships in an informal and friendly setting. Playgroups are formed at the beginning of each school year and meet based on a schedule the members select.
School Directory
Our TRES student directory is an extensive resource for our school’s families, and the complimentary paper copies are sent home with students. The directory is offered as an exclusive member benefit when you join our PTA and are not available for purchase.
Staff Appreciation
Actions speak louder than words and just telling our phenomenal staff that they are special isn’t enough for us. Throughout the year, we recognize their dedication with special occasion meals. In addition, our PTA holiday gift to the teachers in December is to wrap their family gifts for them, giving them one less thing to do during a busy time of year. In May, we celebrate national Teacher Appreciation Week with special meals, gifts, and other tokens of gratitude.
FLL Lego League
Think STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) is just lab reports, spreadsheets and math equations? Think again. Maryland Junior FIRST® LEGO® League program gives elementary students opportunities to solve real-world challenges, build and program LEGO® robots, and compete in robot challenges. Team work is the number one goal of the program and TRES has fielded many award-winning teams thanks to students’ and parents’ dedication. The program is divided into two age ranges: 1st-3rd graders in FLL Jr, and 4th-5th graders in FLL.
TRES Jr. FLL® at:
Walking Wednesdays
Kindergarteners through second graders participate in Walking Wednesdays for six weeks in the fall and six weeks in the spring during their recess period. The kids run or walk laps around the field behind the school. Volunteers log the laps and prizes are awarded after the completion of 12 laps. This is an in-demand event for volunteers, so sign up early. If the dates you wanted are already full, you are always welcome participate with your child.
Young Authors
Aspiring, first-grade authors get creative and showcase their new writing skills as part of the Young Authors Program. Our writers compose and illustrate a story featured in a hard-bound book that is sure to become a “best seller” on their loved ones bookshelves. Our Young Authors Committee’s volunteers serve as the “publishing house” for these timeless treasures by editing stories and assembling the books. The culmination of the project is a “book launch” for our first graders where they gain public speaking experience by sharing their stories with guests at an afternoon tea hosted by TRES PTA.